See also

An exclusive interview with the Serbian president by Alexander Dugin. The US Vice President Joseph Biden’s visit to Serbia concluded. Closed-door...

When the Serbian Progressive Party came to power in 2012, the gray eminence of the party, Aleksandar Vucic said that they would rule until 2020.

The United States and its European allies love to portray NATO’s military interventions in Bosnia and Kosovo during the 1990s as solid successes. In...

No matter what other explosive geopolitical pivots and conflicts draw the attention of the mainstream media and the information war, the Balkans...

His Royal Highness  Prince Vladimir Karadjordjevic is a member of the Serbian dynasty. HRH is a son of Prince Andrej Karadjordjevic and grandson of...

Anti NATO protest was held in Belgrade on Saturday. It was one of the most succesfull protests after Kosovo is Serbia rally from 2008. Nockdowned...

An analysis of the newly formed government.

According to the report of the Anti-corruption Council of Serbia dated December 18th, 2015, “in Serbia the media are under powerful political...

There’s a lot of talk in the Balkans about what sort of a leader Trump will be and how his foreign policy will impact on the region. Although he was...

The term Yugoslavia means the country of Slavs from southern Europe, whose population speaks one language. These Slavs came in the tenth century from...

Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic has made a big show over the past couple of years about the delicate Yugoslav-like balancing act that he...

What is Serbia and its Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic doing to protect Serbs in the region? Unfortunately, nothing.

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