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Will anyone be outraged if I say how much I have enjoyed the lockdown? On the one hand, I have the spectacle, as often as I step outside, of fools...
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To begin with, I must state the projected fact that all major powers, US, China, EU as a whole, and Russia will come out bruised and battered by this...
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A number of Americans are discrediting freedom by the irresponsible way they are acting in its name.
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In Latin America, the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths from related diseases is growing rapidly. The coffins are laid on top of each other, the...
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The liar and mass murderer Fauci, the liar and mass murderer Walensky, and the lying and mass murderer presstitutes keep misinforming the public that...
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year ago already, the Covid-19 epidemic arrived in the West, via Italy. Today, we know a little more about this virus, but despite what we know,...
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In Owosso, Michigan, USA, a 77-year-old barber named Karl Manke has taken on the might of the state of Michigan, by opening his barber shop in...
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We reproduce a discussion between Thierry Meyssan and a group of students. He explains that the political responses to Covid-19 have no medical...
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Last December, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs posted to the official website for public reading its end-of-year report. The report offered...
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Our rulers are mimicking the Book of Revelation. War has been unleashed on us for years. Covid and its laboratory-made variants are the beginning...
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As time goes on in close confinement, even people bound by love may start to find each other unbearable. On a larger scale, in this crazy mass...
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Michael Flynn is pushing an evidence-free conspiracy theory that claims COVID-19 was released by a mysterious group of "global elites" who may be...