Syria Ceasefire Violated sixty times by terrorists

Thursday, 15 September, 2016 - 11:45

The militant groups in Syria have violated the ceasefire 60 times since it began, the Russian official said on Wednesday.

Moscow has also called for the ceasefire in Syria to be extended for another 48 hours, the Russian General Staff said, RT reported.

"In accordance with the Russian-US agreements, the existing 48-hour ceasefire is expiring today at 7pm [Moscow time – 16:00 GMT]. We note that recently the cessation of hostilities was observed in full. As of this morning the overall number of violations by the militants has reached 60,” Russian General Staff official Viktor Poznikhir added.

He added that Russia understands the necessity of the full implementation of the agreements reached, and that it is “in favor of extending the ceasefire across Syria for another 48 hours.”

The 48-hour ceasefire in Syria brokered by Russia and the US came into effect on Monday at 7pm Damascus time (16:00 GMT).