See also

In the 16th century, a Russian monk, Filofej, coined the expression “third Rome” to emphasize the spiritual role assumed by Moscow following the fall...

Whether Trump's policy can lift up traditional values - I think the answer is yes. But it's going to take time. Globalization de-tradtionalizes....

There was an explosion in the Christian quarter of Aleppo during the celebration of the liberation of the city and the beginning of Christmas...

Christian Empire, founded in the fourth century by St Constantine the Great and then continued in the Russian Lands, was the place of special grace,...

Remapping Yemen’s religious make up to reflect Wahhabism totalitarian agenda

Your Eminence and Grace, honorable participants of the World Russian People's Council, dear brothers and sisters!

Pope Francis on Sunday called on people to carry and read the bible with as much dedication as they do their mobile phones. Speaking to pilgrims in a...

I must begin with the disclaimer: I am not an Orthodox Christian. Although I know more about Orthodox than the most westerners do, I do not regard...

On Saturday, June 12, a call titled “Statement of Repentance and Hope” was shared via email and social media to hundreds of Palestinian Christian...

Here in the UK and across the pond the anti-Russian and anti-Christian hysteria continues to fever-pitch, signalling as it does the last mad flings...

Underlying the two main geopolitical systems in the world – the Western unipolar model and the BRICS+ multipolar model – are the opposing spiritual...

In Tuesday night’s GOP presidential debate in Las Vegas, Chris Christie was given a chance to answer a recorded question from a young lady who wanted...

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