
Towards a New World War?


Curiosity, rumor and equivocation have not ceased to constitute the fundamental elements of the Heideggerian “inauthentic existence” (uneigentliche Existenz) of the alienated world promoted by the deceitful performances of the culture industry. The curiosity of public opinion, i.e., the “inability to dwell on that which is presented,” is fed by the continuous diversion of attention to new objects placed ad hoc in the foreground through organized manipulation, in order to tame minds and mold them according to the ideological order.

Putin Is Sending Another Signal To The World


On June 14, Russian President Vladimir Putin held a meeting with the leadership of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, at which Russia‘s principled positions and the actual strategic course of the state on a global scale wer

US War Against Yemen Heats Up


The US war against Yemen is slowly but surely heating up. With more and bigger bombs the US is doing the only thing it knows how when what it is doing isn't working, something even Genocide Joe Biden has admitted.

Four Scenarios by RAND


The RAND Corporation released an intriguing analytical report  “Planning for the Aftermath: Exploring U.S. Strategy Options Towards Russia Post-Ukraine Conflict,”  crafted by the Center for U.S.