The Geopolitics of Mediterranean Natural Gas
Over the last two decades, a series of major natural gas discoveries in the eastern Mediterranean have had a profound impact on the international relations of the region.
Over the last two decades, a series of major natural gas discoveries in the eastern Mediterranean have had a profound impact on the international relations of the region.
Turn on Turkish television on any given night, and it is likely you will meet eyes with a former general or admiral. At first blush, their steady presence as commentators on talk shows, as well as on social media, appears unremarkable.
The European Union has suspended financial assistance to Turkey and interrupted the dialogue at the highest level. In a dispute over gas, the EU sided with the Greeks.
Throughout history, evil has always been controlled from a single center. Those who propagate wars and massacres are acting under a chain of command and are following the plans originated from a single center.
The exchange of offensive diplomatic notes and statements, mutual expulsions of diplomats point to objective long-term problems in relations between Russia and Greece.