European crisis
Clouds over Hamburg
July 7-8 in Hamburg will host the G20 summit. This event is one of the most important foreign policy events of the year, where the heads of 19 leading countries of the world and the European Union meet, which account for 2/3 of the world population and about 80% of world GDP.
The present summit promises to become the most difficult and controversial in the history of such meetings. In addition, during the talks a separate meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Donald Trump is planned.
Chatham House's Report: Europeans do not support the plans of the Liberal Elite
The most serious contradictions between the high and low classes have beenhighlighted inthe latest report of Chatham House - an influential British Royal Institute of International Affairs - on the prospects of the European Union.
What’s Really Going on in These EU elections?
The mainstream German, French and other EU media are having a field day since the lopsided bizarre victory of Emmanuel Macron, the former Rothschild banker and globalist liberal, in the recent French presidential runoff.
Childless “Future” of Europe
European politicians prefer not thinking that future is impossible without children, which is a bad example for people.
French Election A Catastrophe For World Peace
Marine Le Pen’s defeat, if the vote count was honest, indicates that the French are even more insouciant than Americans.
On Ingratitude: A Reply to David Webb
To the question of whether Europeans owe anything to Britain the answer, I agree, is most certainly yes. As to whether Britons owe anything to Continental Europeans, the answer is surely an even more resounding yes. That is not to attenuate Brit
European ingrates
NB – This essay does not constitute an endorsement or condemnation by the Libertarian Alliance of any candidate in the present General Election. SIG
Trump Is Out to Destroy the Euro
In his first few days in office as President, 'The Donald' has fired off so many Executive Orders and aggressive tweets that much of the world is dizzy.