
International system, its origins and rules


When continents began to interact between themselves, from approximately five centuries ago, slowly, they started to form, what is now called the "international system". It is an attempt to break the Islamic fence - which threatened to strangle strategically the small and divided Christian kingdoms of Europe -, Portugal and Castile launched their navigations through the Atlantic to Asia, bordering the Muslim power

Another brick in the wall


I think that many readers were already grown up when the Berlin Wall collapsed. This wall is now a museum exhibit. It is dismantled in bricks, in pieces, in concrete fragments. This is such a collapsed barrier between the new and old Europe.

Through the African Prism: The Genesis


I brainstormed over the days and weeks prior to writing the first word of what would become this article today, I was confronted with a steady flow of information overload, and as I navigate through them in an attempt to make sense