
Turning To The East


Russia is the land of the rising sun, said Russian President Vladimir Putin on September 5 during a meeting with activists of the environmental forum in Kamchatka.

“Import Substitution,” and What Comes After


The authorities and society, apart from the war, of course, are now most concerned about how to adapt to the new conditions. The novelty of these conditions is that we have been excluded from the West, and we have excluded the West from ourselves. Not that this is something completely new and unprecedented—in our history, we have very often found ourselves in exactly this kind of relationship with the West. And it’s no big deal. And this time nothing terrible will happen. But still, our lives will change significantly.

Scientific schools


Interview with ALEXANDER G. DUGIN, Dr. of Sc. (Political Sciences, Social Sciences), Professor, Leader of the International Eurasian Movement

International system, its origins and rules


When continents began to interact between themselves, from approximately five centuries ago, slowly, they started to form, what is now called the "international system". It is an attempt to break the Islamic fence - which threatened to strangle strategically the small and divided Christian kingdoms of Europe -, Portugal and Castile launched their navigations through the Atlantic to Asia, bordering the Muslim power

Some thoughts on Multipolarity


I was born in Slovakia in the early 1990s and was raised by my mom and dad, who are a doctor and train driver, respectively. I played basketball since I was six years old and I went to a religious high school.