The Principles of Victory and Justice
Absolutely necessary changes are urgently needed in our society. Only they can lead us to Victory. And without Victory, there will be no Russia. Everyone understands this today. To save the people and the state, we must change.
America has Just Destroyed a Great Empire
Herodotus (History, Book 1.53) tells the story of Croesus, king of Lydia c. 585-546 BC in what is now Western Turkey and the Ionian shore of the Mediterranean.
The Imperial Ideal and Multipolarity: Beyond the Rise and Fall of Empires
The present essay aims to account for two facts of history: that human communities express the unity of the human condition in terms of political expansion (imperialism) and that these communities tend to fail to hold themselves together
Requiem for an Empire: A Prequel
Assaulted by cognitive dissonance across the spectrum, the now behaves as a manic depressive inmate, rotten to the core – a fate more filled with dread than having to face a revolt of the satrapies.
The Resurrection of the Christian Empire
Christian Empire, founded in the fourth century by St Constantine the Great and then continued in the Russian Lands, was the place of special grace, of a culture that was protected from the perverted values of the apostasy of the West and the paganism of the East.
The Hub of World Evil: The British Deep State
Throughout history, evil has always been controlled from a single center. Those who propagate wars and massacres are acting under a chain of command and are following the plans originated from a single center.
China is on the warpath. Who will be the first victim?
The head of the People’s Republic of China, Xi Jinping, explicitly stated that the Chinese army was preparing for war.