Alexander Azadgan

Alexander Azadgan is a Professor of Business Studies and International Political Economy in Southern California. He's also a Senior Geopolitical and National Security Policy Advisor to several world governments.

He regularly appears on various global news channels such as Sputnik News, Press TV, CCTV,  Almayadeen, and many others, as a senior geopolitical commentator.

Furthermore, he's the Chief Geopolitical Counsel with the Center for Geostrategic Studies (CGS). Additionally, he's the former Editor-at-Large with United World International Analytical Center (UWI) and the former Editor-at-Large with Imperia News.

Professor Azadgan is a regular keynote speaker at think-tanks, symposiums, and international conferences. He focuses on both the global north as well as the global south, specializing in international business, political economy, military intelligence and security affairs, international relations, foreign policy, geo-strategic trends analysis and forecasting, plus emerging issues in cultures and religions. He confronts global issues through a multidisciplinary knowledge base. His specific geographical areas of specialty are US, Europe, Southwest Asia, and Northeast Asia.

He is a member of the Intellectual Dark Web (IDW) which is a loosely-defined group of thought leaders and senior commentators who oppose political correctness and cancel culture in higher education and news media within western countries.

Professor Azadgan speaks five languages, is an American citizen, and lives in Southern California.


Author publications

Title Pub Datesort ascending Language
How America Treats its Neighbors 10.04.2017 English
El muro de Trump y la agenda neoliberal: Un breve análisis 07.02.2017
Trump’s Wall and the Neoliberalist Agenda: A Brief Analysis 31.01.2017 English
A Critique of President Obama’s Farewell Speech 12.01.2017 English
Los Estados Divididos de América 09.01.2017
Divided States of America 05.01.2017 English
The Karma of Washington’s Notorious Interference in Other Countries’ Elections 29.12.2016 English
Los demócratas no tienen a quién culpar sino a sí mismos 28.12.2016
The Democrats have no one to blame but themselves 27.12.2016 English
Cosa dovrebbe fare Donald Trump per entrare nella Storia 26.12.2016
How to Achieve Greatness: A To-Do List for President-Elect Trump 24.12.2016 English
Grandes expectativas para Estados Unidos 11.11.2016
Great Expectations for America 11.11.2016 English
Los principales medios de comunicación están a entera disposición del complejo militar industrial y los belicistas de Washington 07.11.2016
Mainstream Media is at the Beck and Call of the Military Industrial Complex & the Washington Warmonger 31.10.2016 English
На грани Третьей мировой войны, или отчаянное подстрекательство из Вашингтона 28.10.2016 Russian
¿Acercándonos a la Tercera Guerra Mundial o demagogia desesperada de Washington? 25.10.2016
Los numerosos desaciertos geopolíticos de Arabia Saudí 24.10.2016
A Message of Hope at the Possible Threshold of WWIII: Our Hope & Toil Against Their ORDO AB CHAO 20.10.2016 English
Edging Closer to World War III or Washington’s Desperate Rabble Rousing? 19.10.2016 English
The Many Geopolitical Miscalculations of Saudi Arabia 07.10.2016 English
La tragedia en que se ha convertido Siria 27.09.2016
NATO IS NOW ISIS’S AIR FORCE 27.09.2016 English
NATO is now ISIS’s Air Force 26.09.2016 English
El mensaje del líder supremo iraní a los peregrinos del Hajj 20.09.2016
