Sergio Ricardo Melesio-Nolasco
Dr. Sergio Ricardo Melesio-Nolasco
Born in Mexico City
Studied Biology in the National University Autonomous of Mexico (UNAM)
Grad studies in the UNAM and in the University of Arizona, USA.
Specialized in Remote Sensing, Risk Analysis (Ecological and Technologial), Geographic Information Systems and GPS Development.
Have been working in interdisciplinary research and studies since 1978.
Co- founder of the Interdisciplinary Project of Integral Development and Environment (National Polytechnic Institute or IPN), Interdisciplinary Center of Environment Research and Integral Development (CIIEMADI-IPN) and Center of Research in Computing Sciences (CIC-IPN). While working on the CIC-IPN, he closely colaborated with the GIS Research Centre of the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences (GISRC of IGRAS), and withe the German Technical Cooperation (GTZ, specially about megacities development).
More than 116 specialized publishing papers and books about Environment and Development and Computing sciences.
For the Government he made the National Forest inventory (scale 1:1,000,000), the SIG on epidemiology and the National Inventory of coffee and cocoa resources. Also Head Director of the Support and Services for the agricultural commerce (ASERCA-SAGARPA) and responsible coordinator for the Mexican International Agencies for Agricultural Commerce, among other things.
Currently is working as independent editor and translator of several authors, including Luis Lazaro Tijerina, and as creator and Head director of the independent cyber Magazine "IndeMexico Art and Culture" and the Internet Radio Station IndeMexico Radio (now on stand by, bur soon will be active again), both with the concept of "indie" concept.
As editor he has publishing one book this year and is expecting to publish 4 more before the end of the year, including one of his own authorship.
Author publications
Title | Pub Date | Language |
The legacy of Fidel Castro after his death | 01.12.2016 | English |
The Day of the dead | 02.11.2016 | English |
The US is afraid of Mexican cultural legacy | 01.10.2016 | English |