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Donald Trump illegal bombing of a Syria airport solely dedicated to attacking ISIS is the latest in the USA’s 16 year-long hot war against the...
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In his first few days in office as President, 'The Donald' has fired off so many Executive Orders and aggressive tweets that much of the world is...
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President Donald Trump’s plan has not been formally announced but according to some reports, he is planning to have his historic sendoff ceremony...
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The campaign promises were grandiose just like the candidate. Donald Trump wooed millions of American voters with his pledge to “make America great...
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If anyone is worried whether the prospect of a major war, which many of us considered almost inevitable if Hillary Clinton had attained the White...
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First of all, I don't think that President Putin is foolish enough to believe the rhetoric.
He is a serious political person and has been through too...
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Today, the fate of mankind is being decided. The question is very clear: war or peace? The USA is the only hyper-power, and elections are going to be...
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The Latin American card is one of the Clinton’s main trump cards in the presidential campaign. As a candidate, she enjoys the exclusive support of...
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At the end of April, the president of the US Donald Trump gave an order to the US Secretary of Defence, James Mattis, to evaluate the condition of...
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The US Republican Party presidential candidate has presented his program to combat Radical Islam. Trump’s speech in Youngstown, Ohio has been...
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Regardless of who is in charge in the US, Russia must take back what belongs to her, or at least what belongs to the Russian World: Novorossiya,...
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If forty years of observing and drawing conclusions about the United States of America have taught anything, it is that the nation remains...