The US and Slavery


Slavery and democracy are usually two sides of the same coin. The United States, as well as the Greek city-states that inspired the whole of the West with their ideals, were always based on slavery. Therefore, it was not possible to actually cancel it adopted by the 13th Amendment to the Constitution. It came into force after its ratification by the required number of states on December 18, 1865. Addressed primarily to the black population, it prohibited slavery and forced labor in the United States "or in any place subordinate to their jurisdiction". however, some states have pulled it off for ratification ... for over 100 years. In Kentucky, for example, the amendment was ratified only in 1976, in Mississippi in 1995. In the latter state, the corresponding procedure was not followed, and slavery was not officially prohibited there until February 7, 2013.

The next important step in the institutional abolition of slavery, which did not greatly influence the then society’s perception of this phenomenon, was the 14th amendment to the US Constitution adopted in July 1868. It guaranteed citizenship to any person born in the United States, and a ban on deprivation of citizenship rights except by a court sentence. This amendment proclaimed the equality of all citizens regardless of skin color, and also provided for the punishment of states for violating these regulations. Claims associated with the loss or release of slaves were declared invalid.

The “liberated” blacks at that time were almost completely illiterate, for the first time took part in the elections of 1867 to the constitutional conventions of the southern states, where they mostly lived. Despite the sabotage of the planters, 700,000 black voters were registered as voters, while, according to the law, 200,000 white supporters of the Confederates defeated in the Civil War were deprived of this opportunity. However, despite the adoption in 1870 of the 15th amendment to the Constitution, which once again clearly stated the equal right to vote of all citizens of the United States, discrimination flourished in the southern states of the USA.

When the white northerners and southerners reconciled, for the formally “liberated” blacks it was time to live without rights. Only if earlier slave-owners were obliged to take care of them, now they were not needed by anyone, except for being of interest as a cheap and disenfranchised workforce for growing American capitalism. The formal "equality" of the black population was frustrated by the sophisticated system of racial segregation established and held out for more than 100 years in the southern states of the United States when the patriarchal, patronizing attitude of whites to their blacks was replaced by contempt and hatred when they received "freedom."

The result was the emergence of the Ku Klux Klan, the Lynch Courts, the systematic violation of the civil rights of blacks, especially in the right to education. Such sentiments of millions of politically active white Americans were hard to ignore. Therefore, in 1883 and 1896, the US Supreme Court ruled the 1875 Civil Rights Act unconstitutional. Together this set up laws demonstrating blatant American hypocrisy - “separate but equal opportunities” for whites and blacks. Thus, separate schools and higher educational institutions (for whites and blacks), separate public transport, bans on co-location in hotels and motels were legalized. There were cafes and restaurants only for whites, as well as for “colored” and black ones. Flagrant discrimination flourished in the service industry, as well as in the army, in which there were separate Negro units, separate military police for whites and blacks, even separate toilets for the US military of different skin color.

For the outside world, Americans preached freedom and democracy, insisted on the elimination of European colonial empires, although there they treated blacks and "colored" with much more respect than white Americans to their own black fellow citizens. There was, for example, the guidebook "The Negro Motorist Green Bood", which described ways to avoid discrimination while traveling and listed places where the blacks were treated relatively tolerantly. Former Interpol General Secretary Ronald Noble, whose father was a black American soldier and his mother was German, once told the author of these lines what humiliations he and his family experienced in the first decades of his life. It was the reality of millions of black and "colored" Americans.

In 1955, the 42-year-old black seamstress of one of the Montgomery (Alabama) department stores Rosa Parks was detained and fined for refusing to give up her seat on the bus to a white passenger, which was obliged to do according to local law. After that, the Negroes began to boycott urban transport in Montgomery; the protests were led by black priest Martin Luther King. The leader of the Negro civil rights movement in the United States, who enjoyed the support of President John F. Kennedy, was killed in 1968, several years after the murder of his patron. But the cause of the struggle for equality of Americans has already moved from the dead center.

In 1955, a black seamstress Rosa Parks was detained and fined for a rejecting bus driver's order to relinquish her seat in the "colored section" to a white passenger. After that, the Blacks began to boycott urban transport; the protests were led by black priest Martin Luther King. The leader of the Black civil rights movement in the United States, who had the support of President John F. Kennedy, was killed in 1968, several years after the murder of his patron. But the cause of the struggle for equality of Americans has already moved from the dead center.

В 1963 took place a March on Washington, where Martin Luther King delivered his famous "I Have a Dream" speech.

As a result, a year later, in the United States, the Civil Rights Act was passed, banning racial discrimination in commerce, services and employment. A year later - the Voting Rights Act, which eliminated discrimination against blacks in the compilation of voter lists. In the 1960s-1980s, in the United States — not only in the south but also in major cities in the rest of the country — Black riots raged. Violence was suppressed by violence.

Discrimination changes color

So, only by the end of the twentieth century in the USA did some conditional balance between the rights of whites and blacks establish in practice. But it did not last long: America can not live without slavery. Only now the whites are becoming more and more clearly claiming to the role of victims of discrimination. The Affirmative action policy, which has been gradually implemented in the United States since the early 60s of the twentieth century, worked.

Its meaning is to create advantages for disadvantaged racial, ethnic minorities, women and people with disabilities at the expense of "one hundred percent Americans." This policy justified and actually stimulated the creation of a “victim complex” among minorities and all sorts of excesses. Which is as far from Martin Luther King’s dream as the one that caused it.

This is because the international globalist establishment in its American part wants to optimize spending and enrich themselves even faster by reducing the white middle class.

 Affirmative action’s underlying meaning is that all people must be slaves to the system - white, black and “color”. After all, slavery did not really go anywhere, it only changed its forms, becoming less frank.