See also

Without doubt, these elections are the most intriguing in Spain since many decades. Bipartidist system which seemed apparently immovable, now it is...

Geopoliticall profile

Today, Ecofin - the Economic and Financial Affairs Council – will consider the possibility of imposing sanctions on Spain and Portugal. Earlier, on...

The political situation in Spain either tends towards events with rapid and sudden changes, or tends to stagnate and stink with the worst odors. In...

Spanish socialists won the early elections, but they could not easily find allies to create a coalition government, but for the right-wing Vox party...

Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson reaffirmed Britain’s commitment to Gibraltar on Saturday and said it would fully involve the territory in its...

We have had an interesting week in terms of political developments. Finally there was a new attempt at investiture... and it failed. The presidential...

After two general elections and 10 additional months of an institutional break, the president of the government in Spain has finally been determined...

Spain's King Philip VI announced the beginning of talks with the leaders of the Spanish political forces in order to contribute formation of the...

Spain's parliament has approved sending additional troops to Iraq. 450 Spanish soldiers are going to train Iraqi soldiers, and 25 staff members of...

Barack Obama made his first official visit to Spain. He came to Madrid after attending a NATO summit in Poland. Obama met with acting Spanish Prime...

Spain has demanded explanations from Israel about a gift (the secret drone of the Spanish production) to Russian PM Dmitry Medvedev. The...

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