See also

The Spanish authorities are once again basking in the praise of Soros's "human rights activists", who along with the mafia drove today to its tourist...

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said that, according to opinion polls, the number of eurosceptics in the country is 40%. That  number of citizens...

THE topic: American lives snuffed out by illegal aliens. The forum: The ubiquitous, Fox News, dual-perspective panel that never fails to dim debate....

Voters are being asked: "Do you want the European Union to be able to mandate the obligatory resettlement of non-Hungarian citizens into Hungary even...

France is proceeding with the dismantling of the migrant camp in Calais.  The operation of resettling refugees began on Monday, October 24th. The...

Germany's Muslim population skyrocketed by more than 850,000 in 2015, for the first time pushing the total number of Muslims in the country to nearly...

In the European Union, several blocks of countries have emerged, whose approaches to the migration problem are almost impossible to reconcile....

Hungary's leader Viktor Orban is forging ahead with his own referendum on migration and refugees, in what European diplomats see as a sign of battles...

French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin has stated that France will not take in any migrants from the Italian island of Lampedusa after waves of...

European politicians prefer not thinking that future is impossible without children, which is a bad example for people.

lanning for a show-down, a column of 1,500 Central Americans, largely from Honduras, has been beating a path to the Mexican-American border.

President Trump’s questioning of immigration into the United States from what he crudely called “s-ithole” countries masks a more vexing question:...

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