Scandal with Iran is “very bad news”


The degree of tension in the international arena is not decreasing. Iran's leader Hasan Rouhani has recently made a loud statement. According to him, if Washington continues the current policy of strangling Tehran, the Islamic Republic can withdraw from the nuclear agreement.

It should be noted that after United States President Donald Trump signed a new legislation imposing sanctions on Russia, North Korea, and Iran, the state parliament approved more funds for the missile program. Now, according to Rouhani, Iran can quickly quit the nuclear deal.
"In recent months, the world has witnessed that the US, in addition to its constant and repetitive breaking of its promises in the nuclear deal, has ignored several other global agreements and shown its allies that the US is neither a good partner nor a reliable negotiating party," Rouhani said.

However, Trump administration’s tough stance on Iran is understandable. The 45th president of the United States is surrounded by representatives of the Israeli lobby, who are doing everything possible to make Washington concentrate completely on  Tel Aviv and make Israel the only ally of the United States in the region.

In addition, signing the nuclear deal was the main achievement of former President Barack Obama, therefore, the personal hostility of the two presidents to each other can be the pretext of aggressive pressure on Iran.

Russian also actively participated in negotiations on the nuclear agreement with Iran. The Federation Council is confident that further pressure from Washington can nullify the efforts of Russian diplomats."This is very bad news, because all the work that was done to cancel Iran’s sanctions and curtail the nuclear program, in fact, was in vain. If Iran quits this deal, the situation in the Middle East will sharply get worse  - relations [of Iran] with Israel and other countries in the Middle East. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the negative scenario with North Korea is developing simultaneously in the Far East, where a military conflict is generally brewing, " VladimirJabarov, the member of the Federation Council, noted earlier.

The diplomatic and rhetorical confrontation between Washington and Pyongyang just adds more tension in the international arena.
At the same time, it should be noted that such situation is even beneficial to Russia in some ways. Against the contradictory and often hysterical attacks coming from the leaders of a number of countries, Moscow's position looks restrained and grounded. While the United States have extremely tense relations with Iran and North Korea, Russia is the only player who can neutralize the threat of direct confrontation, which makes it even more assertive as an alternative leader in the multipolar world.