More on Fr. Alex Karloutsos


The article “Who Are You Fr. Alex” missed the point on so many levels, but as Christians, we do not critique, we speak truth, and what follows is the truth of one of our most devout and dedicated servants of God, Father Alex. If you really want to know who he is, allow me to introduce you to the real Father Alex Karloutsous, not the caricature presented in this article.

First of all, The Great and Holy Council in Crete is historic and critical for the spread of Christ’s true message in the world. Why are a number of important Patriarchates not represented? It has nothing to do with timing or Fr. Alex, but it does have to do with international politics. Russian President Vladimir Putin discouraged the Patriarchate of Moscow and those aligned with it historically, to not attend for political reasons. If the Council was delayed for a week or ten years, the attendance would be the same, and unfortunately some Patriarchates are more sensitive to Putin’s requests, than that of the Holy Church, so let us not be deceived. After originally accepting the time and place of the Council, some churches have chosen not to participate because of Russia’s President, and no other reason.

Father Alex needs no defense, his words and deeds speak for themselves, and his role in spreading the Gospel of Christ through his ministry is truly what Servants of God do. This article insinuates sinister and financial motives to this holy man. Having worked closely with him and assisted him on occasion in this mission, this characterization of a truly awe inspiring man is just plain wrong and provides a gross disservice to anyone who has read these words.

As a Defender of The Faith, Fr. Alex has gained the trust of people with secular power. These relationships benefit our Holy Church. He works behind the scenes to provide public policy advice that advance Orthodoxy with those who can influence secular policy. He works behind the scenes to provide the financial resources to spread the Gospel and support the charitable and spiritual work of The Church. Is this not exactly what Christ exhorted the Apostles to do?

To ascribe nefarious motivations that Fr. Alex raises money for the church is to have a fundamental misunderstanding of how the Church is to spread its mission. Who among us has the ability or willingness to do what Fr. Alex does on behalf of the Church? Why does AHEPA and the Archons ask that he serve as Spiritual Advisor? To advance their missions, of course, and in a meaningful way. How would the Patriarchate survive if not for people like Fr. Alex and all that he has done? It would become a museum or a mosque as the Turkish Government secretly hopes. Fr. Alex is working to continue the great and glorious work of the Church of The East, as St. Andrew proclaimed, and has been continuous since the original Day of Pentecost in 33 A.D.

He braces himself to his duty humbly and is among the most effective clergymen in the world, let alone America. To insinuate otherwise is not supported by any fact, and this holy man does not do anything for financial interest, but for the Glory of God. The so called “financial interests” is insulting to the mission of Fr. Alex, The Archons, and our Church. He advocates, and does so vociferously, on behalf of the Patriarchate to allow it to be free to spread the Good News of Christ, something the current Turkish Government will not allow, and to do that, financial and political resources are required, and Fr. Alex is slowly getting results. It is not about money but about the survival of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, certainly something anyone who considers themselves an Orthodox Christian should encourage.

We pray every week in church for unity of the Faith. That is why it is so disheartening that a political leader like President Putin’s exercise of his own political agenda that has come in the way of unity at the Grand Council convened in Crete. Let us continue those prayers and ask for a conversion in this and any other matters that separate us.

At the ground breaking of the new St. Nicholas Cathedral in New York City, while many were at the front of the ceremony, Fr. Alex was on the side, escorting others, and allowing others to enjoy the moment that he was too humble to celebrate with them. He is sought out for advice and consul by many with secular power, because of his great credibility and ability.

Orthodoxy is blessed that a good and faithful servant like Fr. Alex Karloutsos has devoted his life to good. His motives are pure, his effectiveness unquestioned, and a man who has been truly consecrated to Christ’s mission on Earth is to be praised. We need more like him. A lot more like him.