Finnish MPs do not agree with UK accusations against Russia
A number of Finnish deputies strongly protest against the accusations of Britain against Russia. About it write many Finnish media.
The deputy of the party from the "True Finns", former Commissioner of the Helsinki Police Tom Pakkalen is sure that the entire British version is misinformation. Given his impressive experience of criminal investigations, he does not see any Russian trace in the matter. So Pakalan wrote in his blog:
"If I were an investigator on this case, Russia would not be my suspect, I do not believe that Russia is behind the Salisbury attack, Russia has no motive." Sergey Skripal was released as unnecessary in 2010 as part of an exchange of prisoners.
If the Russians committed this attack, it would point directly at them and probably have serious consequences for Russia. Detecting the poison of Soviet production in the victim's body is the same as leaving a cartridge with an inscription in Cyrillic or leaving a business card of an employee of the Russian special services at the scene of the crime. If they wanted someone to kill this way, he would be already dead. Apparently, they used some kind of counterfeit, less dangerous. The one who is behind the attempt, he wanted to substitute Russia. To analyze the motives, one must think who is profitable. For Russia, there are no benefits. For Britain there is. Everyone blamed the British for Brexit, now the British managed to turn their attention to Russia. For Ukraine, the situation is profitable. Ukraine wants to continue anti-Russian sanctions and strengthen them. Speaking about Ukraine, I do not think that Ukraine is involved in this matter as a state, but there are different figures in this country. The presumption of innocence is the basis of the Western legal system. The matter is unclear. First we need to investigate everything. The facts cited do not convince me, and therefore I believe that Finland's decision to expel the diplomat is absolutely idiotic. "
The authoritative Finnish politician, former Finnish Foreign Minister Erkki Tuomioja from the Social Democrats party, wrote in Facebook:
"President Sauli Niinistö is right when he stresses that the continuation of the dialogue with Russia is even more important, according to the available data, I would not take decisions on the expulsion of diplomats." In a law-governed state, actions should be based on sufficient evidence, not only suspicions. "
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The deputy from the party "Left Union" Marcus Mustajrvi stated:
"The British government has not yet submitted such data on the Salisbury incident, which would clearly prove Russia's guilt." It's strange that the culprit was announced before the investigation began. " (