See also

Another 832 people died from coronavirus in Italy today. The country’s fatalities have passed 10,000. Some believe this number is a massive...

Not only are the coronavirus models being used by WHO and the most national health agencies based on highly dubious methodologies, and not only are...

I have no particular knowledge of medicine or the natural sciences.

An Italian study has analyzed Covid's ability to resist and survive with respect to temperature: 24 hours at 37° C, much longer if it drops to 20° C...

Germany officially announced “the beginning of an Coronavirus epidemic”. According to reports from Die Welt, the alarm was raised by the German...

The US State Department said on its website that the travel advisory has been raised from Level 1 to Level 2, which calls for exercising “increased...

Dear Prime Minister, dear members of the government, Already on March 5 the director of the WHO urged you: There are a good number of countries who...

Whether the Coronavirus is the Spanish Flu come again I cannot say, and will not try. We shall have some grounds for knowing by Easter, and may have...

Doctors working on the front lines of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak have told the Taiwan Times that it's possible to become reinfected by...

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