See also

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson may leave office in about six months due to health problems after suffering a coronavirus. As reported by "...

Chinese health authorities ordered two high-speed trains bound for Beijing to “urgently stop” on Thursday so they could place all passengers and...

Arguably, no one has been more active in promoting and funding research on vaccines aimed at dealing with coronavirus than Bill Gates and the Bill...

A Virologist of much experience who led a US team studying the SARS virus has explained how unprepared public authorities in the West are for...

I will not speculate on what has driven so many governments to shut their countries down for at least a month. Doubtless, the truth will finally...

Researchers are seeing an increase in nests as restrictions keep humans and harmful waste off beaches Marine life researchers in Florida say that...

DARPA recently spent millions on research involving bats and coronaviruses, as well as gene editing “bioweapons” prior to the recent coronavirus...

China’s priority infrastructure project, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), faces enormous problems just seven years after it was proclaimed in 2013...

When a momentous event occurs, people weigh in. One person says, ‘X is the cause.’ Another says, ‘No, Y is the cause.’ Is it possible that X and Y...

The former mathematician in me decided it was about time to use the data we have to make a direct assessment of Christopher Monckton’s hypothesis...

The latest turn in an increasingly dull coverage of the Coronavirus panic is a proposed reopening of the schools. The Government wants them open as...

Reality is bad enough; there is no need to explain the world using conjecture and fantasy. The facts suffice. Government is bad enough; there is no...

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