See also

Who created the myth of "fascism" in European society? Volker Beck, Andreas Umland and others of pedophile-gay lobby.

The victory of the non-system candidate Donald Trump has directly influenced the transformation of the anti-globalization movement in the United...

Yes, the title is provocative, but no, this is not “apology porn” for one of the most virulently anti-Russian and pro-American parties in the world....

Macedonia’s NATO/EU-backed opposition is ruining the country

The news media has been more interested in the histrionics of anti-Trump rioters than the presidential inauguration. Consistent with history the...

The influential ILGA organization (International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association) is proposing a large grant aimed at "...

It’s remarkable that the Euro and the Eurozone currency grouping hasn’t fallen apart until now. Greece could have done it in 2010 but it was avoided...

About ATTAC, you should know several things: 1. One of the main demands of ATTAC is the imposition of the “Tobin tax“, which is not intended to...

Arch globalist mastermind George Soros emerged to spout an ultimatum to all Europe. Every country must “accept responsibility” for the mass of...

The outbreak of the new Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez shocked residents of the country. 

A 200-page report that was made by the Hamburg Media School and the University of Leipzig, ordered by the respectable Otto Brenner Foundation....

While US President Donald Trump was giving his speech to the CIA spooks at their HQ on Saturday, the other wing of CIA spooks was cheering the...

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