Summit in Singapore


Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un signed a document following the summit in Singapore

Historical moment

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and US President Donald Trump signed today the final document in Singapore. It is known that Kim Jong-un called this document a "new start" in relations between the two countries. Also, the leader of the DPRK declared about "big changes in the future".

Note that the content of the document was not disclosed. The political scientists of the United States and North Korea have already called it a historical one. Negotiations of leaders of states tet-a-tet continued, according to the protocol, 45 minutes.

After that, the summit started in its expanded version: representatives of delegations took part. Total negotiations lasted 1.5 hours.

Kim's efforts

Nevertheless, Kim Jong-un succeeded in doing something that North Korean leaders could not do for decades: to force the US side to perceive the DPRK on an equal footing and to go to direct talks. At the same time, Kim forced the US to abandon the preconditions for holding the summit. A year ago, Washington was so hard to imagine such a compliant. But Trump recently acts so unpredictably that even experts in international politics were not completely sure that the meeting would take place.

Until the last moment, the American side could not decide whether to fly to the summit or not. Because of this, the entire organization, including security, was a very important issue.

The North Korean leader, who for the last year and a half shook the world with his nuclear tests and forced the US president to go to direct talks, flew to the meeting place on a Chinese plane. Already during the flight it became clear that the DPRK had taken unprecedented security measures.

Kim flied from Pyongyang to Beijing by flight number CA122. When the plane had already flown to the capital of the Celestial Empire, the crew rewrote the flight to CA61 and flew to Singapore.

The news that Kim was off the ladder, flew around the world. He symbolically arrived first, as if waiting for Trump. At the same time, as it was announced, the North Korean leader brought with him an armored limousine, inside of which, according to some information, there is even a personal toilet, as well as his food and security.

Kim Jong-un is now almost impossible to explode, poison, shoot, and it is impossible to obtain the results of his digestive activity in order to develop a personal bio-weapon.